I don't go in for ancient wisdomI don't believe just 'cos ideas are tenacious it means they're worthy - Tim Minchin
DESTINY (Determined Effort So Tanacious It Negates Yuck) - Frank Chase Jr.
If a man is highly sexed he's virile. If a woman is, she's a nymphomaniac. With them it's power but with us it's a disease! Even the act of sex is called penetration! Why don't they call it enclosure? - Gemma Hatchback
I believe that death should not be feared instead we should endure life and give our best even though life isn't always fair we shall always enjoy life the way it comes and if death is upon us its cause its time for us to go knowing that there is something better for us..... - Miguel Angel Puma
Love is not a habit, a commitment, or a debt. It isn't what romantic songs tell us it is - love simply is. - Paulo Coelho
When one has attained a state of mind from which the evil passions of the present world have been so utterly winnowed, fear too is forgotten. Thus it was that the priest no longer could understand why Hell should exist. - Yukio Mishima
It will take centuries to disconnect people from an addiction like religion; no matter how bad and disastrous it could be, but addiction is the worst of all. - M.F. Moonzajer
Music conveys to us itself! - Ludwig Wittgenstein
True writers know that writing is not something they feel required to do,or to make a living they must do, it is quite frankly like breathing. Somecan breathe often and fluently, some short breaths, some a long exhaleand for many of us it is the patient steady breathing surrounding life. - Milissa R. Bailey
Be you in what line of life you may, it will be amongst your misfortunes if you have not time properly to attend to pecuniary [monetary] matters. Want of attention to these matters has impeded the progress of science and of genius itself. - William Cobbett
We losers don't fear death. For us it's the end of a lifelong losing spell. - Dakota Dawn
The better you become as each day goes by, the more you heap dust upon you past until you completely bury it. No matter how obnoxious it was - Constance Chuks Friday
Thus it is, we sow motions of hatred out of our own impoverished understanding of love. Yet we do so in the name of love. The perplexing precipice of the illusory infirmity. - Steven Storm
SilenceIt has a sound, a fullness.It's heavy with sigh of tree,and space between breaths.It's ripe with pause between birdsongand crash of surf. It's golden they say.But no one tells us it's addictive. - Angela Long
History tells Us It’s Possible". - Behnam Rajabpoor
When an inner situation is not made conscious it appears outside as fate. - C.G. Jung
And at once he sacrificed everything to it, if it can be said we ever sacrifice anything save what we know we can never attain, or what some secret wisdom tells us it would be uncomfortable or saddening to possess. - Thornton Wilder
The more original a discovery, the more obvious it seems afterwards. - Arthur Koestler
Energy is a being yet is not. For it to materialise it must be pure thus it turns into a crystal like form.That is the true being of the Elders and the Three Immortal Blades.And your body has been cursed with it.Max Jacket- The Three Immortal Blades - Kia Carrington-Russell
Every year I collect a select amount of material possessions (baseball cards, coins, famous paraphernalia) to pass on to my children. In two or more generations they should have a small fortune of 'ancient' famous items. - Akutra-Ramses Atenosis Cea
For the innocent, the past may hold a reward, but for the treacherous it's only a matter of time before the past delivers what they truly deserve. - Emily Thorne